Saturday, November 26, 2005

Coming Home


I suppose I could also call my path "the road less travelled". Whereas my life began under a very prescribed form of following what I was expected to follow and to do as I was told, and to believe what I was told to believe, I experienced what some call "the gift of pain" and my life has since that time been a search for what is knowable, often away from the herd. Some might call that 'a search for truth'. In choosing for this path, I had to leave the 'broad' path of common beliefs and perspective, and often there seemed to be no path at all, and even more, no certainty of 'knowing' that comes with remaing within the 'safety' of the herd. And often that has come at a social price: Being discouraged by others, sometimes jeered, laughed at, or even harshly criticized, and a few times even pushed off or even threatened, especially emotionally, by those close. It seemed my search was some kind of threat to them.

In that process, much of my life has changed and I learned to give myself permission to become who I was and could be, instead of who and what someone else had determined for me. The only regret I have is that I began this journey at age 41 instead of younger. This blog will attempt to log some of that.


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