Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Holocaust and other forms of hell and heaven

I've mentioned that I'm a recovering Calvinist. To those in the know, that says enough. But I've been on a 'mission' these last couple of decades: That of learning as much of the truth as I can.

I wish myself luck.

If I find it, I'll write a book and get filthy rich, and live an easy life ever after. Meanwhile, bear with me and the struggle.

I don't know whether I've renewed my 'mission' (being myself) since I dropped it as a kid of around 7 (up to that age, I was always asking "Why?") or took it up for the first time since around age 41, when I became sober through AA and shortly after, my father died and shortly after that, I went through a divorce from my wife of 21 years. All that within the space of 2+ years kinda got my attention. As frosting on the cake, I lost my business of 17 years not long after.

As much as the divorce was devastating for me, it is one of the best things that ever happened, painful though it was. A load was lifted from my shoulders, and I think this load was the false sense of duty I had. The marriage was part of that, perhaps the heaviest part. And I don't blame my ex, either. My decision; my responsibility. But done under the influence of others' thoughts and mandates.

Never again will I turn over the reponsibility of my life to another individual or group or institution, living or dead, nor live to their standards.

Anyway, back to the Holocaust. A very good friend and I have strong political interests. For me, my motivation is knowing the reality of things, the Truth so to speak. As any fool knows, politics is anything but transparent and honest, so I have my work cut out for me. Religious beliefs are another, quite similar and very much connected topic.

With internet, much information has become available to us, and I am an internet addict. Politics is but one area I search out, albeit perhaps the main one. In the last months and years, more and more has come to light about how things really happen(ed), such as how politics really works, the how and why of the wars, including WW1 and WW2. And 9/11. And the Holocaust is part of WW2, and still very much a part of today's politics via the Zionists, the state of Israel and their war on the Palestinians. Religion is also deeply involved.

I just got done with an email exchange/debate over the Holocaust and WW2 (again) with my very good friend Walt, in Spokane, Wa. We also run a political club together, one of my 4 political websites.

He has studied much of what there is to find in books etc. about the last century especially. Years of study. But....he gets his material from the 'official' sources. The last source to be really honest. History, after all, is written by the 'victors', and is full of half-truths and omissions. That's been true since the written word.

But the truth is quite different.

And that's what I (try to) search out. The Holocaust is one of the many topics among all that. While the 'Holocaust' DID happen, and many Jews died unfairly and needlessly and gruesomely, it wasn't quite the way we were told. The total number of dead, and how they died, and what the 'final solution' really was, is not truthfully told to us. And that has to do with what is still going on in the Middle East, and explains much of that. It is no mystery, but there is a lot of reading, pondering, and sorting out to do. The same as with religious beliefs, or other important areas. Such is life.

My good friend Walt cannot yet bring himself to renew all his years of reading and effort to gain a new insight into all of this. So he finds it very difficult with some of the information I bring up. And Walt is not closed minded.

It is very, very difficult to go back again and re-think so much. And that is true of all of us. But we must do just that, especially in the areas of politics, religious beliefs and other important areas. Our own cherished beliefs, arrived at after so many years of learning/experience, are quite often challenged. And often proven incomplete; sometimes wrong. Or we can choose to not see that.

And, damn! That is hard work, to go back and re-do so much of what we thought we knew.

So it is. Now, once again, it is "Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching as to War."

And there I go again. The message of peace and love - with a song with words like that. What a sham! Or the words of America's National Anthem; again it is war-like.
All in the name of peace and love.

Will it ever stop?

Yes. Either when I give up, or I leave this earth. But the fight never stops.

I choose for this fight to stop only when I leave this earth. And THEN begins my real learning.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year! Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar!

I wish you a health, contentment and peace in this New Year.