Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Memories of the old John Deeres

This photo is of the husband from my dear cousin Marcia, who has a similar love to mine. Old John Deeres.

When I was 11, I spent the whole summer on my uncle's farm in S.W. Minnesota. He had two John Deere tractors, one a 1939 B and the other a 1950 A. The A was awesome. That summer was arguably the happiest time of my life.

I recently did a little researching, not to my satisfaction yet, into these, now antique, tractors. Anyone remembering them will know whereof I speak.

But I did find two sound recordings of a ca. 1945 model B; one idling, the other working.

Music to my ears, almost 60 years later. You can hear them here:

I'm in heaven.....



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